So-Called Party Over There

Spoken Intro:
Chilly: As an entertainer, what you basically are is the sum of your audience's thoughts about you, and anyone who tells you different is just straight bull****tin', gang. Gang? You with me?
Audience: Yeah!
aww, zam
so-called party over there
i can be a pimp and a ho in the same rhyme
strike a a pose and compose at the same time
aww, zam
so-called party over there
but I don't care
im in hot pursuit of a hot pink suit
so what color is your parachute?
aww, zam
well it seems to be green
you keep running to the bank machine
you keep flipping through a magazine
you should be flipping on a trampoline
aww, zam
so-called party over there
but I don't care
cuz lifetyle magazine readership
dont' believe in shit
they need leadership
so much is cheesy
and that's for sheezy
but with melodies like these
i'll make it easy peasy
aww, zam
there ain't anybody like this
they might try but they might miss
i guess i'm rapping as i write this
aww, zam
i bust a balloon when i croon for all the babooons
and i, i croon for all the buffooons
and i, i'll be the first to burst your balloon
plop plop, fizz fizz, ohhhhh what a sweet leaf it is
like Ozzy Osbourne I was born to perform
aww, zam?
I got political platform shoes
it means I must be higher than you
cuz every word I spew is a bird's eye view
1.Take Me To Broadway
2.Scheme And Variations
3.So-Called Party Over There
4.Political Platform Shoes
5.Starlight feat. Louie Austen
6.Chilly In F Major
7.Bottom Of The Pops (Chant By Nina Nixxxon)
9.Shameless Eyes feat. Feist
10.1000 Faces feat. Taylor Savvy & Max Turner
11.The Joy Of Thinking feat. Peaches
12.You Snooze You Lose
13.Salieri Serenade (Announcement Supa Dupa Juppe)
14.Headstone Park
15.Melodika (Melodica By Ninja Pleasure)