Starts to rain/雨滴落下
I am on the plane/我坐在回家的航班上
I can feel the tears falling on my skin/泪水落在皮肤上清晰的感觉
Are you able to see the black hole/你是否能看到这黑洞
Eating the heart and swallow the soul/吞噬心脏和灵魂
I am walking down the road/走在路上
I see so many sides of you/看到了各种各样的你
I walked out the city with bare feet/我赤着脚穿越城市
How could you understand how i feel/你如何能懂我的感觉
Are you gonna tell me what is real/你要告诉我什么才是真实
You better keep your self safe don’t get killed/最好注意安全小心毙命
I know i know that time won’t heal/我知道时间不会治愈
But me I’m just I’m just sick of you/我只是受够了你
Bring it back to the old days/回到过去
When i still have the memo of the lake/当我仍能够记得伊塞克湖的样子
When i still have something’s called faith/当我仍有信念
When in my eyes they are not all fake/当眼中的一切还不是假的
I could still feel my heartbeat for sake/那时我仍能感受到我的心跳
Everything good or bad is on its way/或好或坏都在发生
I have to admit that i miss the days/我必须要承认我想念那些时光
Its clear in my mind that it was May/清晰的记得那是在五月
Lights are off we had a debate/当灯火熄灭我们开始争论
Staring at each others face with hate/盯着对方的面容带着仇恨
Could not figure the issue it creates/无法解决的矛盾
I came out with the words we need some space/我说我们需要一些的空间
It hurts ain’t it what else could i say/这些话出口很伤人
At the moment i thought I’m mature and brave/但那瞬间我认为自己成熟而勇敢
But i should have first loosen my shoe lace/但我应当站在你的角度想一想
And then put my feet in your shoes before it’s too late/在一切都太晚之前
Why am i always triggered when i hear your voice/为什么每次与你交流都会点燃怒火
Am i twisted am i still the polite lil boy/我是否已经扭曲 不再是那个有礼貌的男孩
Can i decide what’s in my mind it’s no more my choice/我还能否掌控自己的意识
But it was me who lost grip and initiated the war/是我失去了控制引发了战争
I must not forgave myself for what i did/我无法原谅自己做出的一切
I beg for who ever the **** to help me/我祈求无论是谁来帮助我
To rewind the time then freeze it/让时间到退 然后静止
Can you hear me in cage i breaking it/你能否听见我 被困住的呐喊
Shut my mouth silence took over it/无声
The inner noise came out conscience eats me/吞噬
With the sunrise i am expecting to unleash it/释放
To get rid of the enemies that lives in me/寄生
Who squeeze me in my dream/碾碎
Tilt me in my own lyrics/激怒
When i confront them/面对
They kill me in second/死亡
1.Heading Back
2.When the Sky Darkens