Every word you're saying is a lie.
何时起 你开始变得满口谎言
Run away,my dear.
亲爱的 你这是胆怯害怕了吗
But every sign will say
我知道 所有的端倪都已显现
your heart is deaf.
你变了 你心已亡(盲)
Bury all the memories.
回忆真切 你却无动于衷
Cover them with dirt.
听信流言 偏爱胡乱猜忌
Where is the love we once had?
最初的爱 你把它丢在了哪里
Our destiny is unsure.
我们的前途 生死由你来决定
Why can't you see what we had?
我们的爱 你还能否再次抓紧
Let the fire burn the ice.
我还在等待 被你抱紧的温暖
Where is the love we once had?
我们的爱 他是否真的存在
Is it all a lie?
只是谎言? 我不信
And I still wonder
why our heaven has died.
为何我们的世界 会是这般的脆弱
The skies are all falling.
它美的如同天堂 却正在分崩离析
I'm breathing but why.
没有你在的世界 呼吸都显得多余
In silence I hold on
我只能沉默着 骗自己
to you and I.
Closer to insanity,
Buries me alive.
Where is the life we once had?
那曾经的岁月 有多美好你可曾记得?
It cannot be denied.
他们历历在目 我发誓至死不能相忘
Why can't you see what we had?
爱本富足 奈何人心贪得
Let the fire burn the ice.
我们能否 就此冰释前嫌
Where is the love we once had?
爱本珍贵 切莫当做儿戏
Is it all a lie?
And I still wonder
举目张望 泪眼迷茫
why our heaven has died.
天堂美丽 为何所求不得
The skies are all falling.
天空辽阔 怎会分崩离析
I'm breathing but why.
浑浑噩噩 虽生如死
In silence I hold on
默默不语 兀自坚守
to you and I.
You run away
you hide away
To the other side of your universe.
我知道 你只是想逃到角落
Where you are safe from
寻得庇佑 获取原谅
all that hunts you down.
忘记过去 逃离心魔
But the world has gone
但你看 这世界正变的越发冰凉
where you belong.
而你我 哪里还能求得栖身之所
And it feels too late
别再逃避 别再恐惧
so you are moving on.
路途漫漫 你不必去一人承担
But can you find your way back
请你回首 我愿与你并肩同行
And I still wonder
其实 我也心有不甘
why our heaven has died.
为何 天堂如此难觅
The skies are all falling.
难道 美好从未存在
I'm breathing but why.
活着 到底期待什么
In silence I hold on
沉默 是最后的坚持
to you and I.
Every word you're saying is a lie.
求求你 把真心掏出了给我看看吧
1.Shot in the Dark
4.A Demon's Fate
5.Where is the Edge
6.In the Middle of the Night
8.The Last Dance
10.I Don't Wanna
11.Empty Eyes
12.Why Not Me
14.Fire and Ice
15.Stairway to the Skies