Bad news from the stars
Bad news from the stars...
1.Overseas Telegram
2.Mickey Maousse
3.Juif Et Dieu
4.Shush Shush Charlotte
5.Evguenie Sokolov (Instrumental)
6.Ecce Homo Et Caetera
7.Overseas Dub (Overseas Telegram)
8.Toi Mourir
10.Ecce Homo
11.La Nostalgie Camarade
12.Bana Basadi Balalo
13.Negusa Nagast
14.Bad News From The Stars
15.Dub Homo (Ecce Homo)
16.Dub Maousse (Mickey Maousse)
17.Toi Dub (Toi Mourir)
18.Strike Dub (Strike)
19.Dub From The Stars (Bad New From The Stars)
20.Overseas Telegram (Telegram)
21.Bana Basadi Dub (Bana Basadi Balado)
22.Mickey Maousse (Minnie *****)
23.Juif et Dub (Juif Et Dieu)
24.Dub Charlotte (Shush Shush Charlotte)
25.Juif Et Dieu (Jews)
26.Nostalgie Dub (La Nostalgie Camarade)
27.Evguenie Sokolov (Show Love)
28.Shush Shush Charlotte (Don't Cry)
29.Toi Mourir (Rub A'Dub International)
30.La Nostalgie Camarade (Man A Beg Fe Life)
31.Ecce Homo (Love)
32.Bana Basadi Balalo (Rock Me My Baby)
33.Negusa Nagast (One Thousand Drums Or More)
34.Strike (Strike!)