Do Murder And Lust Make Me A Man?

2.[Mercury Rising] Seduced by the Kisses of Cinnabar Sweet
3.Hear the Sound of a Black Flame rising
4.Lost Forever, in the Blitzkrieg of Roses
5.I think about Germany and the End of the World
6.Hell is My Refuge - A Golden Dawn for a Judas Kiss
7.Sons & Daughters of Lilith and Cain
8.Do Murder And Lust Make Me A Man?
9.Can you see the Forest for the Trees?
10.She's in Love with a Whip - My Venus in Furs
11.Who stole the Sun from its place in My Heart?
12.Let the Words of My Murder be the Last Words You hear
13.[Apocalips Kisses] In the Eyes of the Scarlet ones
14.When We murdered the World on the Fourteenth of May
15.Still thinking about Italy
16.Love Always dies, but Hate is Forever