Shadow of My Former Self (Ego Shredder)

1.Warrior Within
2.Prelude to a Plateshift
3.Holywar in My Head
4.Untapped Regions
5.Watching the Stars Fall
6.Shadow of My Former Self
7.Penicillin for the Soul
8.Wandering Off in the Dark
9.Becoming the Candle Light (Defining Moment)
10.Sensory Illusion Destroyed
11.First Flower
12.Riding the Razors Edge
13.Perma Fried
14.Sensory Illusion Destroyed
15.Shaking, Seizures and Aftereffects
16.Frankenstein Molecule
17.Chakras and Studdering
18.Perma Fried
19.Shadow of My Former Self (Ego Shredder)
20.Clarity of Perception
21.Amigdula Sharp Bender
22.Shortcut of Selfharm
23.Complete Loss of Reality
24.Beginning of the End
25.Occult Genetic Code
26.Dark Perception Unfolding
27.My Night Under the Crushing Mattress
28.Everything Went Wrong
29.Untapped Regions (A New Alloy Blooms in the Crucible)
30.Metaphysical Agents
31.Disturbing the Priest