Love me through the night
Don’t be like a shooting star in my lonely night sky.
别像流星般 只在我寂寞的夜空一闪即逝
I’ve been waiting for this calm night ma belle
亲爱的 我一直在等待这平静的夜晚
Keep on smiling, keep your head on my chest.
继续微笑吧 将你的脸颊靠在我的胸口
Gonna love you now, like it’s all I have
我将倾尽全部 不遗余力地去爱你
Coming after me You’ll always be the one I love babe
跟随着我吧 你是我永恒不变的爱 babe
Loving you is like diving in a pool full of starlight
爱你 就仿佛跃入了盛满星光的水池
I don’t even know what to say Here’s my heart for you to hold me
我实在无法表达 只是掏出我的真心 愿你能珍惜呵护
This a song for you to sing That i ‘ll play by the fireplace
这歌是为了予你歌唱所作 而我 则会在壁炉边为你演奏
Love me Through the Night
Don’t be like a shooting star in my lonely night sky.
别像流星般 只在我寂寞的夜空一闪即逝
I’ve been waiting for this calm night ma belle
亲爱的 我一直在等待这平静的夜晚
Keep on smiling, keep your head on my chest.
继续微笑吧 将你的脸颊靠在我的胸口
Love is too weak a word for what I feel
爱这个字太单薄 与我所感知的一切 霄壤之别
2.Take a walk
4.It's OK