what will happen is all up to you
away from bad bitches is all up to you
I was caught in madness is all up to you
when I become savege is all up to you
make a promise — I won't never let you go
and no matter what they do
and I will take back control
trust me that Im telling the truth
让我 抚平你伤口 再带你梦游
Top three in my heart
you‘re the No.one 我无法自拔
无论多任性 什么要求我都能够答应
繁星 一直都出现在你的眼睛
你说我不能够 随时在你左右
but everybody know 陪你到世界尽头
and I got the flow kill the beat and through your soul
就像是魔咒 我的心被你没收
一无所有 但我也别无所求
牵你的手 带 你去环游地球
I used to be confused but now I founding with it
I'm like wow ,baby 你实在是太美丽
now I got famous
call my phone on my way from my swag
baby just show me love
make it right till I die I won't give up
what will happen is all up to you
away from bad bitches is all up to you
I was caught in madness is all up to you
when I become savege is all up to you
make a promise — I won't never let you go
and no matter what they do
and I will take back control
trust me that Im telling the truth
让我 抚平你伤口 再带你梦游
Top three in my heart
you‘re the No.one 我无法自拔
无论多任性 什么要求我都能够答应
繁星 一直都出现在你的眼睛
你让我心动 已在我心中
如果不信 那 我就发起进攻
结局扑朔迷离 但我也无可匹敌 我会小心翼翼 不会乱发脾气
when we in mall 扫清空
不会再犯傻 敲警钟
别把我的心 变冰冻
丘比特之箭 将我命中
what will happen is all up to you
away from bad bitches is all up to you
I was caught in madness is all up to you
when I become savege is all up to you
等到那时 我一不小心 就会狂野
所以 别墨迹 漫漫长夜
bad bitches 我早已 彻底忘却
and my homies,around me,不用胆怯
1.All up to you