1.Pictures at an Exhibition*: Promenade
2.Pictures at an Exhibition*: Promenade
3.Pictures at an Exhibition*: I. Gnomus
4.Pictures at an Exhibition*: II. Old Castle
5.Pictures at an Exhibition*: Promenade
6.Pictures at an Exhibition*: III. Tuileries
7.Pictures at an Exhibition*: IV. Bydlo
8.Pictures at an Exhibition*: Promenade
9.Pictures at an Exhibition*: V. Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells
10.Pictures at an Exhibition*: VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
11.Pictures at an Exhibition*: Promenade
12.Pictures at an Exhibition*: VII. The Market-Place at Limoges
13.Pictures at an Exhibition*: VIII. Con mortuis in lingua mortua
14.Pictures at an Exhibition*: IX. The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga)
15.Pictures at an Exhibition*: X. The Great Gate at Kiev
16.Porte-enseigne Polka (Ensign-Polka)
17.Shveya (The Seamstress)
18.Scherzo in C-Sharp Minor
19.Une larme (A Tear)
20.Pictures at an Exhibition*: VIII. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum)
21.Meditation (Album Leaf), "Razdumye"
22.Intermezzo in modo classico (1867 version)
23.Ein Kinderscherz (revised version)
24.Souvenir d'enfance (Childhood memories)
25.Na yuzhnom beregu Krima (On the Southern Shore of the Crimea)
26.Impromptu passionne (2nd version)
27.Bliz yuzhnogo berega Krima (Near the Southern Shore of the Crimea)
28.La capricieuse, on a theme of L. Heyden (Shalunja: a mischievous girl)
29.Iz vospominaniy detstva (From Memories of Childhood): I. Nyanya i ya (Nurse and I)
30.Iz vospominaniy detstva (From Memories of Childhood): II. Pervoye nakazaniye: Nyanya zapirayet menya v temnuyu komnatu in (First Punishment: Nurse Shuts Me in a Dark Room)
31.Au village (Quasi fantasia) (In the Village)
32.Duma on a theme of V. A. Loginov (Reverie)
33.Sorochinskaya yarmarka (Sorochintsi Fair) (version for piano): Act I: Fair Scene
34.Sorochinskaya yarmarka (Sorochintsi Fair) (version for piano): Act III: Gopak (Hopak)