Magyar Energia
Magyar Energia
[hungarian text]
Magyar Energia
Magyar Energia
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down
Magyar Energia / we're closing them down
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down / built in the 60's
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down / by east germans
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down / the plants are old
Magyar Energia / we're closing them down / no longer safe
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down / built in the 60's
Magyar Energia / we're shutting them down / by east germans
1.Ich Komme Davon
2.26 Riesen
4.Die Libellen
5.Jeder Satz Mit Ihr Hallt Nach
7.Robert Fuzzo
8.Magyar Energia
9.Ansonsten Dostojewsky
10.Die Ebenen (Werden Nicht Vermischt)
12.Am I Only Jesus
13.Mei Ro
15.I Kissed Glenn Gould