K:I'm Katniss and I can't miss, I'm the fastest, you can't catch this
我是凯妮丝 百发百中 同时速度快到你无法赶上
Make a last wish gonna need three cannons for this hat trick
快说遗言吧 只需要三炮就可以完成这次帽子戏法
So sick of your schtick, all I do is win, you nitpick
你简直是过于弱小 我轻轻松松就赢了你
That's why I'm the hero and you're just a sidekick
这就是为何我是整部电影的女主角 而你却是个二当家
Pathetic and predictable I'm hot on your trail
你的剧情悲惨又显得老套 而我的电影赚到翻
Coulda had a Viktor, but you chose ginger fail?
明明可以和维克多在一起 却偏偏选择那个红毛小子
I bet with wands drawn, he's still just a yawn
我可以用“魔杖”打赌 他就是个无聊的人
With performances worse than Michael Gambon
演技差到不如米歇尔 盖本
Got a Nimbus up your butt? Well, let's probe deeper
天天用扫帚插吗 那好 这次就深点
Never played quidditch but you know I'm a keeper
You must be drunk on butterbeer, now grab a cloak and disappear
你一定是黄油啤酒喝多了才这么醉醺醺的 拿好斗篷消失掉吧
Who wants to kick this witch's ass? Hmm I volunteer!
谁想踢踢这只女巫的?嗯 我自愿报名!
H:Oh, there'll be no trouble ‘cause on stage you struggle
这场饶舌赢家在这儿 我只需要看着你在台上惺惺作态
I'll be charming and disarming while I waste this rubbish Muggle
我魅力迷人 随便一挥手就可以废了你
I'll end this blasted skrewt, propaganda **********
宣传女表吗 我可以轻而易举的弄死你
Who thinks she's so cute with her Girl Scout salute
Just a tribute, can't decide which guy's sweeter
你只是个贡品而已 选个男人都打不定主意
Share your bread with Gale, then stuff your mouth with Peeta
一会儿和盖尔分面包 一会儿又去和皮特亲嘴
How does it help the poor to start a civil war?
Your story's a bore, why don't you plagiarize more?
你的故事也太无趣了 要不再多抄袭一点
It's been done before, ask Dumbledore
你的故事早就完结了 问问邓布利多去
It's Battle Royale set in 1984
And furthermore if you're keeping score
顺便说一句 如果你们还有计分
that's five more points for GRYFFINDOR!
K:I'll drill this dentists' daughter here in her alma mater
‘bout to slaughter this otter, even Potter knows I'm hotter
杀了那只水濑 哈利波特都知道我更辣
I stomp career jocks, kick your British buttocks
职业球员被我打得满地找牙 我踢踢你的英国怎么样
For this Riddle, second fiddle, you're the Watson to his Sherlock
所以这个谜语“次要位置”明显指的就是你 因为如图华生没了夏洛克就活不了
Turn back the clocks, tick tock, tick tock
时光倒流 滴答滴答
Odds ever in my favor ‘cause you rap like an Avox
我永远是上天的宠儿 你的饶舌如同Avox
Shock the mic like a wire, you'll fry and die on a pyre
像被电击的麦克风一样 你会死在熊熊烈火中
‘cause you're gonna get burned by the girl on fire!
H:On fire? Oh! Just like your dad
Or the hospital you visited to film a quick ad
I've got the cortex to ace my su**ects
I got that bad blood while you run with rejects
天资聪慧 无人能及 你却得饿着肚子跑
These coal miner rednecks need reality checks
You're just another pawn in the military complex
你只是个不起眼的小人物 被军方利用
A fashion figurehead for the underfed
Brilliant, you survived! But Rue's still dead
真好 你是活下来了 可是小茹却死的好惨
K:The difference between you and me is book knowledge and street smarts
Step to the Mockingjay you'll end up with scar marks
It's like you're hijacked, you're mental, delirious
你就像一个被控制的人 神经失常
We find it funny, but you're dead Sirius
我们觉得这特别好笑 但是你就如同死去的小天狼星
I'm the pro with a bow and the flow to overthrow
我是神箭手 百射百中
Mr. Snow and his whole freaking reality show
Little miss perfect, but what's truly twisted
完美小姐 你要明白
On your parents' happiest day they forgot you existed
H:I bust bars like Haymitch, the smartest witch, I own this *****
我如同黑密契一样打破记录 我就是最智慧的女巫 你要完了
Hey, how are you still hungry in that beefcake sandwich?
嘿 你还饿吗?面对那么多
Fraud wedding, fake baby, and your flames don't exist
婚姻是假的 孩子是假的 你的火焰也就唬住了自己
So-called star-crossed lovers need a camera to kiss
I sling unforgettable verses like unforgiveable curses
What's worse is your universe isn't immersive
Your glory's only temporary, your country is a mortuary
你的荣誉晒晒就没 你的也早就横尸遍野
Next on your itinerary: Kill yourself, eat the berries