The Lake (Vocal version)

[Sung verse]
I walk accompanied by ghosts
I walk accompanied by ghosts
My father with his time and eyes
His voice life-size
He says "Follow me,"
Follow me
And I come sliding
Where I've been hiding
With the heart of a child
Meet me by the lake
Meet me by the lake
I'll be there
I'll be there
[Spoken section]
We lived by a lake.
And in the winter it froze.
We skated everywhere.
One evening I was coming home from the movies,
and I was pushing my little brothers – Craig and Phil – in a stroller.
I had decided to take them over to the island,
to look at the moon that was just coming up.
But as we got close to the island – the ice broke.
And the stroller sank into the dark water.
And my first thought was:
"Mom's gonna kill me!"
And I remember the knitted balls on their hats,
as they disappeared under the black water.
So I ripped off my jacket and jumped into the freezing water
and dove down and got Craig –
and pulled him up and threw him on the ice.
Then I dove down again but I couldn't find the stroller.
It'd slipped down the muddy bank, further down under the ice.
Then I dove in again.
And I finally found the stroller, and Phil was strapped in,
and I ripped the strap off
and pulled him out and pushed him up onto the ice.
Then I ran home.
One twin under each arm.
Frozen and screaming.
I ran in the door and I told my mother what had happened.
And she stood there and said:
"What a wonderful swimmer you are.
And I didn't know you were such a good diver."
And when I think of her now I realize –
that was the moment I had been trying to remember
"Tell the animals," she said.
"Tell all the animals."
"Is it a pilgrimage? Towards what?"
1.Birth of Lola
2.The Lake (Vocal version)
3.Turning Time Around
4.The Lake (Instrumental)
5.Tell All the Animals
6.From the Air
8.Lola Goes Blind
9.How to Feel Sad Without Being Sad
10.Iron Mountain
11.The West Village
12.Life Lived Backwards
13.The Cloud
14.A Different World
15.What If the Sky Froze?
16.Piano Lessons
17.Animals Are Like People
18.The Release of Love
19.Dreaming of Life Before Birth
20.The Real World
21.Three Ghosts
22.The Bardo
25.Bring Her Some Flowers
26.The Mother Meditation
27.A Story About a Story