For Sale (Hannah Johnsons Big Jack Ass)

1.My Handy Man
2.Six or Seven Times
3.Uncle Ned, Don't Use Your Head
4.For Sale (Hannah Johnsons Big Jack Ass)
5.What's That Smells Like Fish
6.I Want Some of Your Pie
7.Tired As I Can Be
8.I Wonder Where My Easy Rider's Gone
9.I've Got What It Takes
10.Honey Dripper Blues
11.Try and Get It
12.She Done Sold It Out
13.I Can't Use That Thing
14.The Hottest Stuff In Town
15.Southern Can Mama
16.I Wonder Who's Boogiein' My Woogie Now
17.Grinding Mill
18.Sissy Man Blues
19.The Duck's Yas Yas Yas
20.I'm a Mighty Tight Woman