I Got No Time(Remix)(翻自 The Living Tombstone)

I got no time,我没时间了,
I got no time to live,我没时间活着了,
I got no time to live and I can't say good bye,我已经没有时间活着说再见了,
And I'm regretting having memories,我现在后悔想起这些记忆,
Of my friends who they used to be,曾经在我身边的朋友们,
Beside me before they left me to die.现在它们想置我于死地,
And I know this is,我知道,
I know this is the truth,我知道这就是真相,
Cause I've been staring at my death so many times,因为我不止一次的濒临死亡,
These scary monsters roaming in the halls,那些吓人的怪物在走廊游荡,
I wish I could just block the doors,我希望我能够把门锁上,
And stay in bed until the clock will chime,并且躺在床上直到天亮,
So my flashlight's on, and stay up 'till dawn,所以我打开我的手电筒熬到黎明,
I got this headache and my life's on the line,我头疼无比并且命悬一线,
I felt like I won, but I wasn't done,我感觉我赢了,但一切并没有结束,
The nightmare repeats itself every time,这个噩梦在一次又一次的重复,
Got to keep my calm, and carry on,我必须保持冷静,并且坚持住,
Stay awake until the sun will shine,在太阳升起前保持清醒,
But I'm not so strong, and they're not gone,但我并没有那么强大,它们并没有离开,
They're still out there to take what's left of mine,它们仍在门外等着夺走我的一切,
I have this urge,我有种冲动,
I have this urge to kill,我有种杀人的冲动,
I have this urge to kill and show that I'm alive,我想杀死他们来证明我还活着,
I'm getting sick from these apologies,我已经厌倦了那些优越人,
From people with priorities,和他们毫无诚意的道歉,
That their life matters so much more than mine,就是因为他们的生命比我的重要的多,
But I'm stuttering,但我在结结巴巴,
I'm stuttering again,又一次含糊不清,
No will listen and no one will understand,没人会倾听并且理解我的,
Because I'm crying as much as I speak,因为我的哭泣和说的话一样多,
Cause no one likes me when I shriek,因为当我尖叫时没有人会喜欢我,
Want to go back to when it all began,我多想回到一切开始的时候,
So my flashlight's on, and stay up 'till dawn,所以我打开我的手电筒熬到黎明,
I got this headache and my life's on the line,我头疼无比并且命悬一线,
I felt like I won, but I wasn't done,我感觉我赢了,但一切并没有结束,
The nightmare repeats itself every time,这个噩梦在一次又一次的重复,
Got to keep my calm, and carry on,我必须保持冷静,并且坚持住,
Stay awake until the sun will shine,在太阳升起前保持清醒,
But I'm not so strong, and they're not gone,但我并没有那么强大,它们并没有离开,
They're still out there to take what's left of mine,它们仍在门外等着夺走我的一切
1.No More Cake
2.built in the 80s
3.Roomie-Five Nights Only(Remix)(玮 remix)
4.I Got No Time(Remix)(翻自 The Living Tombstone)
5.Let Me Through
6.Our Little Horror Story
7.Our Little Horror Story