ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ

please don’t break my heart,
Don’t tear me apart,
I know how it starts, trust me I’ve been broken before,
Don’t break me again, I am delicate,
Please don’t break my heart,
Trust me I’ve been broken before。
Are you lonely in the space that you've made only for yourself, 在你自己创造的世界 创世主会孤独吗
Do you wish sometimes that you could be somebody else, 会幻想自己过着另一种人生吗,
Are you worried for a future that you haven't got all planned out, 会为尚无计划的未来而担忧吗,
Are you scared of facing those feelings that you've never felt, 会为从未有过的感觉而害怕吗,
On a dark night cold night laying on the bedroom floor, 黑暗又寒冷的夜晚躺在地板上,
Looking up to the ceiling wondering what I'm here for, 放空盯着天花板想着我的使命,
Haven't slept in a while but the sun will come up soon, 失眠好一阵太阳马上就要升起,
Looking in a mirror thinking one day I'll love you, 看着镜子告诉自己我会爱上你,
One day I'll love you, 有一天 我一定会爱上你的,
Blue tears that fall, 眼眶里 装不下的蓝色眼泪,
Down from my face, 它们顺着脸庞流下,
They fill my view, 它们充斥我的视野,
Like the blue sea, 像蓝色的大海一样,
I drift alone, 就一个人飘浮着,
Through restless waves, 随着无止尽的波荡,
To navigate, 把我缓缓推向出口,
Through this blue world, 穿过这蓝色的世界。
1.ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ