Rainbows and ridges, and Rhymers and rhymes
彩虹和山脊 韵律和诗人
Lovers and music all have their times
音乐和爱它的人 都持有着他们的时间
Someone gets started and someone resigns
有些人开启征途 有些人结束旅程
Interstate highways and buses and planes
州级公路上 巴士正行驶着 飞机在空中翱翔
Will only take horses down memory lanes
骑着马 让它沿着记忆的小路走着
If everything passes, what past will remain?
万物俱灭 那这世界还会留下什么呢
Some days you win and some days you lose
我们共同游玩 各有输赢
A chair got knocked over, I got the blues
一把椅子就这么被打翻在地 我倍感沮丧
Some don't get any and some get to choose
有些人可以选择前路 有些人却别无选择
Rainbows and ridges, and
Rhymers and rhymes
Lovers and music all have their time
热爱音乐的人享受着音乐 如此往复
Someone gets started and someone resigns
有些人开启征途 有些人结束旅程