I was a joyous child, if I ever was a child
Memories feel like dreams deferred
And time looks like a circle
All I wanted to do was play drums like my brother
He picked up the saxophone and sounded like Dexter Gordon
I was a joyous child, if I ever ever ever
We used to get up before our parents on Saturdays and watch cartoons.
We would fry eggs and put honey on them
Innovation was the key ingredient
My mom said that my teacher said that I was one of the most focused kids in class
In my waking life, I didn't have a lot of pain
But I did have nightmares
I remember suffering spirits wailing at me I would get migraine headaches, still do
Sometimes I would get a fever and have surreal dreams about worlds unknown
Filled with fear
1.Got Me a Plan
2.Visible Walls
3.Find Me
4.Darkness in Mind
5.Please Don't Kill Me
6.I Know You See Me
7.Sleeping on the Train
8.Show Me a Prison
9.Halfway House
11.The Best of Life
12.Was She Happy (For Geri Allen)