My Burning

Flame upon Flame upon Flame
Reaching out to wrap around
My reaching arm
That's how life got to be among my friends
I wanted her so bad
I waited around in a burning down house
Hoping for phone calls
Totally scalding and scarred
I woke up in a pile of ash
Grave beyond Grave beyond Grave
Stretching out to horizons
On all sides
That's how life got to be among my friends
Dead or alive I buried them all
I wanted her so bad
As revenge for my burning I burned the whole world
And was warm for a little while
1.Log in the Waves
2.It Wasn't the Hunting
3.Great Ghosts
4.Climb Over
5.Voice in Headphones
7.Dead of Night
8.See Me
9.We Squirm
10.Goodbye Hope
11.Cold Mountain
12.Moon Sequel
13.I Have Been Told That My Skin Is Exceptionally Smooth
14.Moon, I Already Know
15.With My Hands Out
16.I Say "No"
17.A Show of Hands
18.Woolly Mammoth's Mighty Absence
19.My Burning