Hey dude,you want some appitizer? 帅哥,你想要来点开胃菜吗?
I'm sure of your desire. 我当然知道你在渴望什么
I know you'll like these bleeding fleshes. 我也知道,你一定会喜欢的这些血淋淋的肉体
Don't be afraid. Hey~.嘿 别害怕呀
Oh~Scream~ Like oh~.就像这样 大声尖叫吧
Now,won't you tell me how you like to play.现在告诉我吧,你想怎么玩这场游戏
No,now it's my turn to manipulate.不,不是你哦,现在轮到我来操控玩偶啦
The dead will always resound. 那些心碎的死去的,会一直在你身边徘徊萦绕
I know exactly how you felt. 我很清楚这种感受呢,现在不过以牙还牙罢了
Peel it down,so you can't announce. 剥开你的皮肉,那样你就会安安静静的了
Make it dull,oh you'll be safe and sound. 把你做也成玩偶,放心你会安然无恙的
Lift you up,aside and down,so pretty when you  dance 提着线让你跟着我哼的旋律起舞,你看你多美啊
All i want is your beg and shout.(Haha) 你问我到底想要什么?那就是你的乞求和哭喊声啊哈哈
Oh turn around,don't you give a smile? 乖乖地转个圈吧,你不笑一笑吗?
And peel it down,never make a sound. 把你的唇齿一点点剥开,让你恐惧得叫不出声呀
Sew up the wound,make heart beats loud. 穿针引线缝合起伤口,让心跳再快些响些
The dead will always resound. 那些心碎的死去的,会一直在你身边徘徊萦绕
The dead will always resound. 那些心碎的死去的,会一直在你身边徘徊萦绕
I know exactly how you felt. 我很清楚这种感受呢,现在不过以牙还牙罢了
1.Sanctuary & Shelter
6.Cold Hood
8.Where Are You (Interlude)
9.Poison (Interlude)
10.Redemption (Intro)