Vocal: Shymie
明知有无相生 但仍混沌
明知难易相成 还是沉沦
万物法则 我都真的懂
长短相形 就相濡以沫
高下相盈 我无处闪躲
怎奈何 只身赴火
从花开到叶落 从奔跑到疑惑
颠覆黑夜之后 是真的我
The light i have to find
Nothing can stop me trying
My past had put me under
But this time i tear that cover
那些回首悔恨意的朦胧 交织乱横纵
一人之下 人间幻化 无惧怕 是我道的初衷
寒烟飞溅 似已过千年
韶华无限 莫辜那红颜
无尽繁花 永夜苍穹
千载淬炼只为 那涅槃一瞬
吾只身赴火 尽半世烟尘
Time goes by nothing carries on
tied war against me won't beat me down
the core of my soul aint gonna devastate
the world had me under estimated
The light i have to find
Nothing can stop me trying
My past had put me under
The last time
从花开到叶落 从奔跑到疑惑
而心中沧浪以星作枕 茫茫雪落虚静无痕
恰逢人间世的芬芳馥郁 花亦碾作尘
燃烧生命翻涌赤忱 昨日梦一生或一春
一人之下 万象脱真 立鸿蒙 尤我道无惧神