编曲 by Beats With Hooks
I slow the whole world down for you
If you want I 'll make it all up to you
I slow the whole world down for you
If you want I 'll make it all up to you
I wanna find myself a love
but find myself alone
I write songs for love not do it for loan
白天醒来被自己夜晚 做的梦 戳痛 告诉我成功不是结果而是 过程 我像是贝多芬
不想与人对话 所以把 想法 都写在了纸上
听不见外界的声音 无论他们怎么增大音量
Stay low key now 不在乎 最后result 也许过程让我 会皱 眉头 但我更喜欢它 背后的味道
日期在day by day 更改 时机在day by day 等待
Look ahead Don't look back
过去就不再回头让时间 承载住
我的心是属于我的但我也会把它当做 身外物
I slow the whole world down for you
If you want I 'll make it all up to you
I slow the whole world down for you
If you want I 'll make it all up to you
不再想着 一举成名 也不需要别人 给予同情
No other way 山脚到山峰意味着我 必须登顶
We all 披戴着善恶成人 期待着看破红尘
想象中的 细雨蒙蒙 现实却是大雨 倾盆
渐行渐远的不只有路还有那些 身边的朋 友
No more 时间可以填的了空白但填不了洞
I just keep going 在前进
You just keep loading在原地
他们把成果求和 我加一撇一捺变成积
Slow down the world so I could have more time to love
I go my own way do my own thing And no one could judge
I slow the whole world down for you
If you want I 'll make it all up to you
I slow the whole world down for you
If you want I 'll make it all up to you