The way your fingers fit in mine
It's five plus five, not rocket science
正如五加五的和谐 而不是什么高深学问
This day in time, that's hard to find, it's true
一天中的这个时候 难得忙里偷闲
The road we're on ain't a traffic jam
碰上一路畅通无阻 丝毫没有塞车
It's a Sunday drive on a piece of land
我们就在这晴朗的周日 一同出游
It's paradise as long as I'm with you
但是只要你在身边 我就如临天堂
这种感觉 就像我们一二三地数数
It's like one, two three
Just as easy as can be
Just the way you look at me
You make me smile
简简单单就好 很多时候都是我们想得太复杂了
Ain't no need to complicate it, we both know that's overrated
不喜欢就可以直接拒绝 没什么不好意思
We've been there, it's safe to say it ain't our style
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
It's just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
就这样 越简单越好
Simple as can be
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
It's just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
就这样 越简单越好
Simple as can be
我们曾活在虚拟世界里 整天刷着朋友圈
担心别人看到自己的生活 都会作何感想
We used to live on Instagram
我们去过哪里 最终来到何方 都是问题
Worry 'bout who all gives a damn
'Bout where we've been and where we ended up
所有的过往都被抛下 我们也恍然大悟
Then I met you and you met me
And all the rest is history; an epiphany
这种感觉 就像我们一二三地数数
That all we need is us
It's like one, two three
Just as easy as can be
简简单单就好 很多时候都是我们想得太复杂了
Just the way you look at me
不喜欢就可以直接拒绝 没什么不好意思
You make me smile
Ain't no need to complicate it, we both know that's overrated
We've been there, it's safe to say it ain't our style
欢声笑语 即使身处困境也能找寻快乐
We're just simple like a six string
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
The way this world was meant to be
就这样 越简单越好
Like laughin' love, make a lot out of a little
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
Its just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
就这样 越简单越好
Simple as can be
简简单单就好 很多时候都是我们想得太复杂了
Its just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
不喜欢就可以直接拒绝 没什么不好意思
Simple as can be
这种感觉 就像我们一二三地数数
Ain't no need to complicate it, we both know thats overrated
We've been there, its safe to say it ain't our style, yeah
It's like one, two three
简简单单就好 很多时候都是我们想得太复杂了
Just as easy as can be
不喜欢就可以直接拒绝 没什么不好意思
Just the way you look at me
You make me smile
Ain't no need to complicate it, we both know that's overrated
欢声笑语 即使身处困境也能找寻快乐
We've been there, its safe to say it ain't our style
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
We're just simple like a six string
就这样 越简单越好
The way this world was meant to be
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
Like laughin' love, make a lot out of a little
就这样 越简单越好
Its just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
Simple as can be
就这样 越简单越好
Its just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
生活就应如此 简简单单地度过
Simple as can be
就这样 越简单越好
Its just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
Simple as can be
Its just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E
Simple as can be
1.Tyler Got Him A Tesla (Skit)
2.Can’t Say I Ain’t Country
4.Talk You Out Of It
5.All Gas No Brakes (Skit)
6.Speed Of Love
8.People Are Different
9.Told You
10.Sack’a Puppies (Skit)
11.Y’all Boys
12.Small Town
13.Sittin’ Pretty
14.Catfish Nuggets (Skit)
15.Can’t Hide Red
17.Like You Never Had It