i am saved i am saved...
forever by grace through faith beloved of God
servant of the most high God
dead to sin alive to God
i don't know why you care about me i'm just a sinner full of evil deeds
why did you love me
i can't see because Christ died the ungodly
i am saved...
walking in the newness of life
baptized into Jesus Christ
temple of the Holy Spirit at peace with God
1.Dancing On The Head Of The Serpent
2.Demon On The Run
3.Secret Weapon
4.Besprinkled In Scarlet Horror
5.Silence Is Madness
8.Notions Of Insanity
10.Come Unto The Light
11.Altered Beast
12.Terrorist Child
13.Cries Of The Haunted
14.Rock The Hell Out Of You
15.Where Is Your Heart
17.Temporary Insanity
18.Punishment Divine