You know, somebody asked me once: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self
So I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that I couldn't answer it. Because if who I am today went back in time, right now, whatever I say to the younger me could potentially have such an effect that the younger version of me could never make it back to this moment where they were asked:
What if you could go back in time
See, if I could go back in time, I'd prefer to let the younger me speak so that I could listen to what they have to say. Because surely, along the way, for as much as I've learned, I've also forgotten.​
I've forgotten how to be free of my insecurities, I've forgotten how to live in the moment, how to stop worrying so much about the future... Why is that I've become jaded in my years.​
But if I had to give the younger me any bit of advice, I would say this: Call your mother. Call your father. Tell the ones you love just how much you love them before it's too late. Because, surely, the older you is listening to this conversation in a memory. And, boy, do they wish they could travel back to this moment right here, right now.​
1.Space and Time
2.One Way Ticket
3.Unspoken, Unbroken
4.Romantic Comedy
5.Romantic Comedy (Instrumental)
7.She's Really Not That Into You
8.New York Minute
10.Let Go Of Me
11.Unspoken, Unbroken (Instrumental)
12.She's Really Not That Into You (Instrumental)
13.Georgetown (Instrumental)
14.Holier Than Thou
15.New York Minute (Instrumental)
16.Saltwater (Instrumental)
17.Let Go Of Me (Instrumental)
18.Holier Than Thou (Instrumental)