In a room with both of your rivals
Doing all this turning around
Once you go, once you get started
你想要走 想要出发去远方
Always had that look in your eyes
You would always reach without trying
I didn’t spend this time to fall out
Watch me take my chance on the weekends
But you could always read me by heart
好吧 至少你真心待我 不会敷衍
I know you’re still green but I’ll
我知道 你对纷繁复杂的未来仍忧心忡忡无所适从
Start you a scene that you can write about
When you come around
I know you’re still green girl I’ll start you a scene girl
一切的转变 都值得你刮目相看
Always on the go
Keep you’re head up now
使你能够扬眉吐气 容光焕发
Na-na-not quite that high
我不会居高临下 高高在上
D-d-dance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
Always on the go keep your head up now
我一直在努力的征途上 使你能够昂首前进
You would windowshop just to heal up
当个购物狂人 刷爆信用卡 倒能治愈你的心病
You would always question my kind
Watch you go watch how you run off
Watch you go watch you get back
I know you’re still green but I’ll let you go queen on me
我知道你仍然很迷茫 那么我就让你走吧 让你去做女王梦吧
25, Enough tonight!
没了你 今晚这样就足够了!
I know you’re still green girl I’ll let you go queen girl,
我知道你仍然很迷茫 那么我就让你走吧 让你去做女王梦吧
Always on the go
Keep you’re head up now
使你能够扬眉吐气 昂首前进
N-n-not quite that high
我不会居高临下 高高在上
D-d-dance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
Always on the go keep your head up now
我一直在努力的征途上 使你能够昂首前进
Always on the go keep your head up now
我一直在努力的征途上 使你能够昂首前进
D-d-dance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
D-d-dance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
D-d-dance dance
心花怒放 欢快起舞
D-d-dance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
D-d-dance dance
心花怒放 欢快起舞
D-d-dance d-d-dance d-d-dance d-d-d dance dance dance!
难掩兴奋 手舞足蹈
Always on the go
Keep you’re head up now
使你能够扬眉吐气 昂首前进
Nuh uh not quite that high
我不会居高临下 高高在上
D-d-dance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
Always on the go keep your head up now
我一直在努力的征途上 使你能够昂首前进
I said ah!
Always on the go
Keep you’re head up now
使你能够扬眉吐气 昂首前进
Na na not quite that high
我不会居高临下 高高在上
Dddance dance dance till you get it right
当你让一切步入正轨 我会情不自禁欢快起舞
Always on the go keep your head up now...
我一直在努力的征途上 使你能够昂首前进...