Glass Ceiling

I've sat here saying from the start
I won't put up with fragile egotistical remarks
And they all said first, it won't get worst, but they lied
It's easier to talk than to be the one to walk the line
I've sat here watching what you're like
Manipulating's easy, you don't have to even try
纯粹而简单 你甚至不需倾力而为
And they all said how it's impossible to question what is right
人们皆称 质疑公理便是无稽之谈
They talk the talk, rehearsing lines
谈天说地 排练台词
Don't say "I would," unless you really mean it
在你确定之前 别轻易的许下承诺
Don't feel obliged, you know I'm not conceited
也别感到压抑 你知道我不会自负
If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
倘若你我被冲昏头脑 你就是元凶
Don't look surprised, I don't disguise my feelings
别用讶异的眼光看我 我不善伪装
It's black and white and written on the ceiling
If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
倘若你我被冲昏头脑 你就是元凶
I heard you say it from the start
自开始以来 我便听到你喃喃说起
That you were sensitive, how smart
说自己是多么敏感 呵多妙的谎言
And it's strange to see, nobody questions your lies
纵然没人把你揭穿 是这样的奇怪
You like to talk the talk, but I know you're that kind of guy
即便罗织谎言 我也明白你的为人
Boy, you should think this through
男孩儿呵 我希望你慎重考虑
I'll give you one less clue
Don't say "I would," unless you really mean it
在你确定之前 别轻易的许下承诺
Don't feel obliged, you know I'm not conceited
也别感到压抑 你知道我不会自负
If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
倘若你我被冲昏头脑 你就是元凶
Don't look surprised, I don't disguise my feelings
别用讶异的眼光看我 我不善伪装
It's black and white and written on the ceiling
If we're all insane, then maybe you're the one to blame
倘若你我被冲昏头脑 你就是元凶
The ceiling's fallen through (Fallen through)
The ceiling's fallen through
The ceiling's fallen through
The start of something new (Dum, dum-dum)
1.Stranger (for now)
2.Glass Ceiling
3.My Point of You