I left more than just a city
我离开的不仅仅是一座城 一个家乡
Never was what you expected me to be
I left the comfortable and easy
Going where growing ups the only guarantee
回归本质的初心 是我们唯一的担保
I placed my bets on California
Knocking from door to door,but all of them were closed
我四处寻找归宿(也指寻找自己想要的工作) 但他们都避门不开
Faced with a hundred "no’s",countless "I told you so’s”
周围人的嗤之以鼻 无数次的冷嘲暗讽
I’m walking on a tight rope
If I never fall,will I ever learn to fly?
可若不被折断翅膀 又怎能懂得飞翔?
I could lose it all
But I’ll be damned if I don’t try
毕竟我努力过 而不是一味的堕落
They say that I’m crazy,I’m out of my head
他们都笑我的疯狂至极 可我对此毫不在意
Stuck in a day dream,so what if I am?
困在了自己的白日梦里 可那又如何?
If I never fall,then I’ll never learn to fly?
若不被折断翅膀 又怎能懂得飞翔?
Too used to taking in opinions
Too used to letting empty words get to me
No longer asking for permission
可是 今非昔比
It’s about time to be who I want to be
Though it gets overwhelming
I’m gonna keep on trying
但我也不会放弃 一直尝试走下去
I’m walking on this tight rope
If I never fall,will I ever learn to fly?
可若不被折断翅膀 又怎能懂得飞翔?
I could lose it all
But I’ll be damned if I don’t try
毕竟我努力过 而不是一味的堕落
They say that I’m crazy,I’m out of my head
他们都笑我的疯狂至极 可我对此毫不在意
Stuck in a day dream,so what if I am?
困在了自己的白日梦里 可那又如何?
If I never fall,then I’ll never learn to fly?
若不被折断翅膀 又怎能懂得飞翔?
Faced with a hundred "no’s",countless "I told you so’s”
周围人的嗤之以鼻 无数次的冷嘲暗讽
I’m walking on a tight rope
If I never fall,will I ever learn to fly?
可若不经风雨 又怎能遇见彩虹?
I could lose it all
But I’ll be damned if I don’t try
毕竟我努力过 而不是一味的堕落
They say that I’m crazy,I’m out of my head
他们都笑我的疯狂至极 可我对此毫不在意
Stuck in a day dream,so what if I am?
困在了自己的白日梦里 可那又如何?
If I never fall,then I’ll never learn to fly?
若不被折断翅膀 又怎能懂得飞翔?