I lost myself during my ride into the city, on the bus
I caught my eyes locked in that comfortable position of falling in love
我在情爱之中迷离了眼眸 英雄气短
If I could, I would drink my troubles down the drain
如果可以 我将饮尽这所有疙疙瘩瘩
But I don't wanna drink alone today
I'll drop the act of adolescence, and I'll play a new part
我会摈弃这该死的青春狂妄 我将扮演一个全新的角色
I'll try to find where my voice went, and I'll stop breaking my own heart
我会找到这声音的最终归属 我将不再为此心碎留恋
I'll laugh along, I'll sing the songs you wanna hear
我会独自狂笑 我将击节赞叹我想要唱出的旋律
Let me in, oh, let me near
让我开始 哦 让我接近
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there, woah
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there, oh
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧 而我却在这撮科打哄
I found myself faking a smile and making time to shake your hand for a living
我发现我不再流露真容 为了谋生变得市侩
I dropped my mind somewhere on the one line and didn't realize 'til I cried on Thanksgiving
直到我在感恩节上哭泣 我才意识到我已经倾尽所有精力在这一行歌词上
The seasons change, the reasons always stay the same
季节轮替 但是原由永远不变
I still have so many songs to name
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there, woah
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧 而我却在这撮科打哄
Maybe it's a memory, or I read it in a magazine
也许这只是一份怀念 或者只是杂志上的断章
But I swear I'd see your faces staring up at me
但是我发誓 我将会让你的眼睛仰观于我
Or maybe this song is self-aware, and I'm singing here and you're standing there
或者这首歌只是自我意识的觉醒,但是我在这唱出我想唱的 就在你面前
Waiting for the show to go on
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there, woah
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧 而我却在这撮科打哄
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧 而我却在这撮科打哄
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there, woah
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧 而我却在这撮科打哄
Honestly, it's a shit show
事实上 这就是一场闹剧
My god, but it's this show I want to be there, oh
我的天 但这就是一场闹剧 而我却在这撮科打哄
1.Shit Show