Do you really wanna give him the microphone?
You know that he'll keep talking long after everyone's gone home
We'll have to pay to keep the lights on
And that bill will arrive just when all our savings have gone
Can I say something, can I give advice?
Just hit the main switch so we can sleep well tonight
My social standing got me six rows from the front
And my dinner companion was a little drunk
Says he buys the paper but he reads between the lines
"I can show you how I do it, why don't you come back to mine?"
Oh please say something, I'm dying for your advice
I can tell you won't sleep well if you don't teach me how to do it right
Call me a ride, I can't walk home
Can't stand the pain from these shoes I've now outgrown
1.Head Alone
2.Pressure To Party
3.Don't Know How To Keep Loving You
6.Turn Me Down
7.You Were Right
8.Good Guy
10.When The Family Flies In