Produced by Greg Reierson, Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine
All my life has been a surprise
我的人生旅程 似乎总是出其不意
Faces cast in gold on the fire
记忆中的面孔 在烈火中铸造成黄金
Phantoms colloquial and new
Feelings inside floating through you
前所未有的思绪 慢慢飘向你的内心
All my life leads me to die
我的人生旅程 引领我走上死亡
Now Sherlock and Watson decide
On the true mystery of the mind
Wanna to do to cease to write
想要放手一搏 终结一切 书写自己的迷茫
Oh, my love, I’m lost again
我的挚爱 我又再一次迷失自我
Though I try, when will I win?
即便我百般尝试 何时我才能大获全胜
You said life's not a race
你对我说 人生不是一场竞赛
But if you're not around
但若你不再陪伴我身边 似乎也无所谓了
All this time has been wasting to find
从始至终 即使时光流逝一心只为寻找
The darkness triumphed over light
那不堪一击的亮光 被黑暗慢慢吞噬
Is the creator on my side?
Or has he left us all behind?
Oh, my love, I’m lost again
我的挚爱 我又再一次迷失自我
Though I try, when will I win?
即便我百般尝试 何时我才能大获全胜
You said life's not a race
你对我说 人生不是一场竞赛
But if you're not around
但若你不再陪伴我身边 似乎也无所谓了
All this life has been a disguise
我的人生旅程 躲藏在层层伪装下
Except for the hand in mine
渴求着 紧握爱人之手
Belonging to my one true love
In Santa Barbara on Hanukkah
在Santa Barbara的光明节上
1.Santa Barbara