Lightning Field

Strike you down give me everything you've got
将我击倒 将一切你所得的献给我
Strike me down I'll be everything I'm not
将我击倒 我将成为我以外的一切
Count the questions on one hand you don't ask me what I planned
在一只手上清点疑问 你没有询问我的计划
Strike me down should have asked me what went wrong
将我击倒 我该自问是何者出错
Strike me down should have stayed away too long
将我击倒 抑或本该长久地离开
Strike me down give it everything you've got
将我击倒 将一切你所得的献给它
Chance me now I'll be everything I'm not
现在考验我 我将成为我以外的一切
Hope's the child of what luck brings
Points the faith in higher things
Ask me now fire at everything at once
现在询问我 即刻向所有的事物开火
Strike me down take it any way you want
将我击倒 以你想要的方式带走它
Strike me down better left it all unknown
将我击倒 最好将其全部留给未知
Shout me down should I have left it all alone
将我击倒 是否应该由我独自承担
Wash the questions off my hands
I'm the fate in no one's plans
Strike me down give it everything you've got
将我击倒 将你所得的一切献给它
Strike me down I'll be everything I'm not
将我击倒 我将成为除我以外的一切
1.Half Life
2.Lightning Field
3.Low Five
4.Destroying Angel
7.Cute Sushi Lunches
9.Flowers And Silence
10.Ten To Twenty
12.Wife By Two Thousand