I Lost Myself

Why is it hard,
to know this heart?
from who I am
And who,
who was I
before I lost
And I try to;
I desire to know
who I am
And I fight to;
find it tough to be myself
And all those word I didn't say
The dreams I had or have today
And pain I feared and faced and went away
The things I've done
The games I played
Made me to what I am
Why it is hard
to know my goals?
from what I want
I know
I was strong
before I lost
See my true colours
Feel my true heart
The one I lost
This is my face
These are my eyes
My world, my life!
And all the things I didn't do,
The dreams I had or have today,
And pain I feel and faced; they went astray
The words I said
The smiles I faked
This is who I am
and always be
1.Sweet Curse
2.Head Up High
3.Here's My Hell
4.In Sickness 'Till Death Do Us Part: All Goodbyes Are Said
5.I Lost Myself
6.No Honey for the Damned
7.Under My Skin
8.Kill Me With Silence
9.In Sickness 'Till Death Do Us Part: Disgraced
10.In Sickness 'Till Death Do Us Part: Disdain
12.The Trial Of Monsters
13.Fast Forward