Elvis - Buck him with my shotgun!!! [x3]
Elvis - Buck Buck Buck Buck!!
[Verse One: J-Dee]
Does Polly want a cracker? ****** no, she a zero
And I ain't with the rednecked hero
I'm glad that Lincoln got bucked in the face
We shoulda been free in the first place
Now let me drop it like it should be dropped
And watch Rocky Marciano's assed get mopped (what up)
[Madonna, you muther****in' slut
You could show ya butt, and Jimmy STILL won't get up] (word)
The Beatles, I just can't fade
Get the muther****** raid, Bone, we got roaches
[And Fonzie can't rumble]
And by the way you can have Bryant Gumble
Babe Ruth was good against the white boys
But he couldn't hit a ****** like Doc Gooden
Marylin Monroe was a ho to the Kennedy's
Don't worry - J.D. know the enemy
And I'll point 'em out if ya don't know 'em
[And tell Uncle Sam that I'm lookin' for 'em]
Cause we don't bow down to no zeros
And I'll say - ****** you and your heroes!!
(I'll snap your red-assed neck you mother****** perpetratin ************)
[Verse Two:]
Now, who's the next maggot
George Wa************ngton, he wore a wig like a (******)
Just like Rock Hudson (yeah)
Him and Liberace' both like butts and ************s
Gobbled up nuts like chicks
T-Bones on the muther******' mix
Don't talk about Bird and all his scorin'
Cause I'll say Magic, Ewing, Jordon
Olajuwon, Isiah and Barkley
[Now ************ don't start me]
You ask me if I like Arsenio (bone you tell 'em)
Muther****** NO!!
Take it from the Lench Mob (yeah)
Elvis is Dead as a Doorknob
Never been caught, for all the songs he stole
[And you put James Brown on parole?]
I know the deal - you hate to see the Black race
Win the muther****** race
Cause you still think we're Negroes
But I say - ****** you and your heroes!!!!!
1.Buck Tha Devil
2.Lost in Tha System
3.Guerillas in Tha Mist
4.Who Ya Gonna Shoot Wit That
5.All on My Nut Sac
6.Lord Have Mercy
7.Freedom Got an A.K.
8.Ain't Got No Class
9.Capital Punishment in America
10.You and Your Heroes
11.Lenchmob Also in Tha Group
12.Ankle Blues
13.Inside Tha Head of a Black Man