If music and sweet poetry agree,
As they must needs, the sister and the brother,
Then must the love be great ‘twixt thee and me,
Because thou lov’st the one, and I the other.
Dowland to thee is dear, whose heavenly touch
Upon the lute doth ravish human sense;
Spenser to me, whose deep conceit is such
As, passing all conceit, needs no defence.
Thou lov’st to hear the sweet melodious sound
That Phoebus’ lute, the queen of music makes;
And I in deep delight am chiefly drown’d
Whenas himself to singing he betakes.
One god is god of both, as poets feign;
One knight loves both, and both in thee remain.
1.Nen-ne Koroichi
2.Zuizui zukkorobashi
3.Nen-nyako korochako
4.Sendo no yanma
5.Utsuroi bushi / Floating mind
6.Fuki no kyoku
7.Antagata dokosa
8.Shall I compare thee
10.Tadayoi / Drifting
11.Kokiriko bushi
12.Kochae bushi
13.If music and sweet poetry agree
14.Aka to bai
15.Variations in rondo
16.Take all my loves