LZRD-Anything Anymore(DR.L / LZRD remix)

I was about to meet you halfway,我本想和你见一面,
But you were busy making your move,但你总忙于自己的事情,
And now it's way too late,如今一切都无法挽回,
So is it safe,所以我可以大胆地,
To say,说,
That you played it safe,你对分手很谨慎,
When you walked away,你很谨慎地离我而去,
Was it too hard to say,这很难启齿嘛?
That you left me here,是你弃我而去 我徒留原地,
And you're sorry we're not,你的良心就不会痛嘛 我们已无,
Anything anymore,我们之间已无任何瓜葛,
So am I right or wrong,我做的是对是错,
For writing this song,写下这首歌,
When it's said and done,明明一切尘埃落定,
But I'm still holding on,但我仍苦苦坚持,
Cause you left me here,因为你弃我而去 我还在原地,
And I'm sad that we're not,我很难受沮丧 我们已无,
Anything anymore,已无任何瓜葛,
So is it,就这样了吗,
You been looking past our past time,你回首往事时,
There's nothing right I do,我所做的事都不对,
You're in on this abuse,你简直就是在折磨我,
The colour's running on your white lies,你善意的谎言渐渐蓄起恶意,
The truth is always new,真相总是残酷的,
You paint me an excuse,你给我一个借口,
Now everytime I see a new face,每当我认识新的人,
I'm afraid to even touch base again,我都害怕与之亲密接触,
Cause you sent what we had up in flames,因为总会想起你 你让我们拥有的一切灰飞烟灭,
You're still inside my brain,你的身影依然徘徊在我脑海,
A mess I never made,我从来没这样的不堪过,
So is it safe,所以我可以放声地,
To say,说,
That you played it safe,你对分手很谨慎,
When you walked away,你很谨慎地离我而去,
Was it too hard to say,这很难启齿嘛?
That you left me here,是你弃我而去 我徒留原地,
And you're sorry we're not,你就不会感到抱歉嘛 我们已无,
Anything anymore,我们之间已无任何瓜葛,
So am I right or wrong,我做的是对是错,
For writing this song,写下这首歌,
When it's said and done,明明一切尘埃落定,
But I'm still holding on,但我仍苦苦坚持,
Cause you left me here,因为你弃我而去 我还在原地,
And I'm sad that we're not,我很难受沮丧 我们已无,
Anything anymore,已无任何瓜葛,
1.LZRD-Anything Anymore(DR.L / LZRD remix)