Father, God,
I am just a sinner, God.
I am nothing without you.
Give me strength, Lord;
Give me courage to stand boldly on your word,
against this world father.
This world that I don't wanna be a part of
Because it is not of you, precious Jesus.
I pray for people I don't know feel your presence or your love, God.
Free us from this place
and may your Holy spirit flourish.
God, I ask that you rebuke these demons
only by your Holy, precious name: Jesus Christ.
Come back for us, Lord.
I wanna see you.
1.Left Behind
2.My Nemesis
3.In Reverence Of
4.The Mark Of The Faithful
5.Nailed. Dead. Risen.
7.At The Churches' End
8.Silence The Oppressors
9.For All Have Sinned
10.Feeding The Decomposing
11.He's Coming Back