Empowered By Blasphemy

Reaping dispel, commence to kill, nothing can stop what you call is god's willbreathe in the ill, let upon earth, serpents of satan from fire returnkilling the lambs, rites unperformed, rivers run red with the blood of their lordpleading of prays, cling to the dead, bring back the christ to be slaughtered againempowered by blasphemy, raise the gates of hellend of time upon the earth, your lord of lords befellcaught up in death, back to the blade, christians destroyed and devoured in rageborn of the devil, soulless insane, spit from the fire to feast on the savedbehind the light, thorn of the blessed, never to bow before god to confessheathen to some, shadowing fiend, appointed by satan to crush his mistakeempowered by blasphemy, raise the gates of hellend of time upon the earth, your lord of lords befellbleed this world of christian blood, revelation deadawaken from your prophecy and tear them all to shredsturn the cheek and drink his blood, suffer in defeatfall from grace and beg before your mortal enemiestear out your heart, i will never pray,****** and forgave, don't believe what you saywhere's your godliar! he is deadliar! blasphemyliar! heaven sentliar! prey unto god, fool you to deathtear out your heart, i will never pray,****** and forgave, don't believe what you saywhere's your godliar! he is deadliar! blasphemyliar! heaven sentliar! prey unto god, fool you to death
1.Empowered By Blasphemy
2.Angels Of Hell
3.Hang In Agony Until You're Dead
4.Servant Of The Enemy
5.Into The Darkness You Go
6.How Can You Call Yourself A God
7.To Hell With God
8.Save Your
9.Witness Of Death