There's no box to tick for red, so I put down blue instead cos it's closest there's to grey in the categories
And the veins within the whites are a statement of demise, Doe Eyes you should stay at home licking batteries
I feel like I'm the host of a terrible game-show and the guests on today's quiz are celebrities
Won't respond to any clues they're just cracking jokes for views but the answers to these questions mean everything
I had a friend who, had made a flag day
Blood on their hands from shards of a heartbreak
I have known friends to, crack from love's weight
Blossom in ribcage, until their backs break
Oh it won't get better, that doesn't mean it's gonna get any worse
You're final draft'a life-long love letter, signed to the man who will be driving your hearse
Salacia's in the depths, and if I avoid the nets, threaten "I'll cuckold you Neptune" for definite
Meet between the dog and wolf, with the hoarfrost underfoot and I'll show you every fire in Delphinus
(A heart of stone, rind so tough it's crazy, that's why they call me the avocado, baby)
May she who casts the first fist of dirt across the casket have mourners lick the mud from her fingernails
'tween the breadth'a your arms span I was a renaissance man, books of lies stacked either side you were my carrell
(A heart of stone, rind so tough it's crazy, that's why they call me the avocado, baby)
1.A Ton Of Love
2.Gimme Your Love
3.The Lion's Roar
5.The Conversation
6.Sun Song
7.Lose Control
8.LA Calling
9.The Rain
10.The Captain
11.Come On, Be A No-One
13.Youth Without Youth
17.Because I Know That I Can
18.Another Tale From Another English Town
19.Away Frm U
23.Lover's Cave
24.Wonderful, Glorious
25.Coast To Coast
26.Do You Love Me Like You Used To
27.Hold Me Forever
28.Face Like A Skull
29.Fragment Two
30.Waiting For Something To Happen
31.Cheap Beer
32.Warrior Lord
33.The Body In Rainfall
34.The Distance
35.The Load
37.C'mon, Stimmung
39.Make It Mine
40.So Blue
41.Public Eye
43.The Woods
44.The Swan
45.Never Stop Running (Feat. Jonny Pierce)
46.Rain Down
47.Avocado, Baby
49.Daydreaming The Daydream
50.Parenthesis (Feat. The Antlers)
51.Can't Play Dead
53.With A Woman
54.Dream Machines
56.My Flaming Thirst