1.Cloud Bird Trail
2.Crag Day
3.Crag Night
4.Green Field
5.Guilin In-game 1
6.Guilin In-game 2 (Wizard Trees)
7.Guilin In-game 3
8.Guilin In-game 4
9.Guilin In-game 5
11.Rocky Area
12.Searching for Firewood
13.Shenhua's House
14.Stonepit 1
15.Stonepit 2
16.A Meal
17.After the Meal
18.Building a Fire
19.Calling Father
20.Crag Morning
21.Entering the Stonepit
22.Guilin Introduction
23.Insert the Mirror
24.Into the Crag
25.Letter to Shenhua
26.Memory of Iwao
27.Reminiscence of Nozomi
28.Reminiscence of Xiuying
29.Saving Shenhua
30.Shenhua's Introduction
31.Shenhua's Memory
32.Sword Insertion
33.Tai Chi Practice
34.The Diagram
35.The Shenmue Tree 1
36.The Shenmue Tree 2
37.The Spring
38.Watching the Hawk
39.Weather Change
40.Shenmue II Ending