Ko Ko Bop英文版(Cover EXO)

shimmie shimmie kokobop
I think I like it
Heartbeat goes down down心跳声down down
Give me your responce给我你的回应
Follow me I'll lead you into our fancy dizzy love跟着我我会带你走进我们华丽眩晕的爱
Let this feeling spread and take us all the way u-up让这感觉不断蔓延 带领我们一路向上
Ah hoo This silent summer night这夏日寂静的夜
Ah hoo Our one and only night我们专属的夜
Can't stop falling for the words you said yeah yeah不断沉迷你说的话
Falling for every curve of your back yeah yeah沉迷你后背的每一个曲线
I'll show you my true soul我会给你看我真实的灵魂
Forget the one you used to know and忘记你曾经认识的我
The hidden side can't wait to shimmie up隐藏的一面等不及要shimmie up
It goes down down baby
Give it to the rhythm oh把自己交给韵律
It goes down down baby
Lose ourselves in it迷失其中
oh we're going oh
We're going ko ko bop
Shimmie Shimmie ko ko bop
I think I like it
If we go down down如果我们不断down down
Give me your responce给我你的回应
no matter what others say about me不管别人怎样评论我
I won't care about it, feeling good right now我不会去管,此刻感觉美好
Breathe in this moment, this silence, this sentence baby are you down拥抱接受这个瞬间这个寂静这句话Baby一起来吗
Ah hoo It's our final night这是我们最后的夜晚
Ah hoo But you're with me tonight但你今晚属于我
Don't be afraid and come to my side yeah yeah不要害怕 到我身边来
Give everything to me ride or die yeah yeah把你的一切都交给我 享受这激情
Life is a one way road生命是条单行路
So all the thoughts just let it go and一切想法都抛之脑后
We live in our own way shaking up我们按自己的方式生活shaking up
It goes down down baby
Give it to the rhythm oh把自己交给韵律
It goes down down baby
Lose ourselves in it迷失其中
oh we're going oh
Break it down now
Darker the night goes, brighter when you glow夜色越昏暗,发光时越闪烁
Cuz even under the sea甚至在深海中
Your eyes, they tell me你的眼睛告诉我
Bitter our youth tastes, sweeter if we wait青春越苦涩 等待后 经历过越甘甜
I know it's ok all right let's start it我知道ok,好的我们开始吧
Let's go
It's about to go go
Down down baby
Give it to the rhythm oh把自己交给韵律
It goes down down baby
Lose ourselves in it迷失其中
oh we're going oh
We're going ko ko bop
Down down baby
Give it to the rhythm oh把自己交给韵律
It goes down down baby
Lose ourselves in it迷失其中
oh we're going oh
We're going ko ko bop
1.Ko Ko Bop英文版(Cover EXO)