Drinkin' beer in the hot sun
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I needed *** and I got mine
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
The law don't mean **** if you've got the right friends
That's how this country's run
Twinkies are the best friends I ever had
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I blew George and Harvey's brains out with my
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
Gonna write my book and make a million
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I'm the new folk hero of the Klu Klux Klan
My cop friends think that's fun
You can get away with murder if you've got a badge
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I am the law so I won
1.Holiday in Cambodia
2.Too Drunk to ****
3.Police Truck
4.I Fought the Law
5.Pull My Strings
6.Kinky *** Makes the World Go 'Round
7.The Prey
8.Life Sentence
9.California Uber Alles
10.Short Songs
11.A Child and His Lawnmower
12.Saturday Night Holocaust
14.The Man with the Dogs
15.Straight A's
16.Night of the Living Rednecks
17.Buzzbomb from Pasadena