In the imperium with emerald valleys
There where endlessness encircles you
A goddess lost her aureole
Created her own domain
This valley of doom where I'm the token
She'll be throwing the dice this time
A goddess lost her aureole
Evil took over her godless soul
Swallowing you in the rivers of blood
Morbid games played with you, you token
Clouds are roaming around the pale moon
An inimical gloom covers the valleys
I'm the cephalic empress of this doomed celestial empire
Hear the orchestra of death
1.Beyond Me
2.Leaden Legacy (The Embrace That Smothers, Pt. 1)
3.Mea Culpa (The Embrace That Smothers - Prologue)
4.Semblance of Confusion
5.Black Tomb
6.Follow in the Cry (The Embrace That Smothers, Pt. 2)
7.Silence from Afar
8.Inimical Chimera
9.Tortuous Threnody
11.Yield to Temptation (The Embrace That Smothers, Pt. 3)