Far over the misty mountains rise
Leave us standing upon the heights
What was before we see once more
It's a kingdom a distant light
王国光辉 已然暗淡
Fiery mountain beneath the moon
月色之下 灼热之丘
The words unspoken well be there soon
未言之语 即将出现
For home a song that echoes on
故乡曲调 回音缠绕
And all who find us will know the tune
相识之友 共鸣此曲
Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
恶敌之暴行 永远不忘却
Haven't seen the back of us yet
远离故乡 踏上征途
Well fight as long as we live
泼洒鲜血 至死方休
All eyes on the hidden door
全神贯注 寻找密道
To the lonely mountain borne
Well ride in the gathering storm
风暴积聚 我们迎难向前
Until we get our long-forgotten gold
直到再会 故里之金
We lay under the misty mountains cold
冰冷孤山 深埋的遗忘宝藏
In slumbers deep and dreams of gold
沉睡千年 犹存光芒
We must awake our lives to make
我族必将苏醒 生生不息 漫漫长野 火炬依旧闪耀
From long ago when lanterns burned
遥远记忆 灯塔高照 岁月飞逝 依旧的向往
Her fate unknown the arkenstone
阿肯宝石 命运未扑
What was stolen must be returned
盗取之物 定将归还
We must awake and make the day
苏醒崛起 重铸往日光辉
To find a song for heart and soul
歌声悠扬 决心于灵魂浮现
Some folk we never forget
王国子民 从未遗忘
Some kind we never forgive
恶敌暴行 永不忘却
Haven't seen the end of it yet
背井离乡 征途不断
Well fight as long as we live
泼洒鲜血 至死方休
All eyes on the hidden door
集中精力 探寻隐藏密道~
To the lonely mountain borne
Well ride in the gathering storm
风暴积聚 我们无畏向前
Until we get our long-forgotten gold
直到再会 故里之金
Far away from misty mountains cold
迷雾不再 山峰渐入冰寒
And in the darkness a torch we hold
火炬之光 渐渐照亮寒夜
Untill this day our hearts have yearned
时光飞逝 向往依旧长存心中