I've got tree tops under my head
俯身向下看 大树的尖尖还不到我脑袋的高度
I've got season under my bed
我的床下 便是一整个四季
I've got troubles in the nighttime troubles in the daytime too
我不仅会在晚上闯祸 白天也是片刻都不消停呢
I've got sand dunes in-between my toes
悲伤如我 可我已经用小山把这种感情遮挡起来了
I've got hilltops shodowing my woes
我不仅会在晚上闯祸 白天也是片刻都不消停呢
I've got troubles in the nighttime troubles in the daytime too
我不仅会在晚上闯祸 白天也是片刻都不会消停
I've got troubles in the nighttime troubles in the daytime blues
你难道还不知道我要出走了吗 我曾说过我会去找你的
你难道还不知道我要出走了吗 我曾说过我会去找你的
Did you not know that I was ready to go I said I would be there for you
俯身向下看 大树的尖尖还不到我脑袋的高度
Did you not know that I was ready to go I said I would be there for you
我的床下 藏着一整个四季
我不仅会在晚上闯祸 白天也是片刻都不消停呢
I've got tree tops under my head
我不仅会在晚上闯祸 白天也是片刻都不会消停
I've got seasons under my be
I've got troubles in the nighttime troubles in the daytime too
I've got troubles in the nighttime troubles in the daytime blues
1.Go Solo
2.It's OK
3.Going To Be Wonderful
4.How This Came To Be
5.Seasons Under My Bed