Informal Butterflies

It's all in my head.
I know it isn't real but I can't help it.
Bullet in my temple will fix all my problems, cure my illness.
You are all so perfect.
I wish I was like you but I'm worthless.
Follow me I'll take you under.
Cripple you of joy and slumber.
Wake me up I'm dead.
End me and the nightmares over.
1.(F)Inally (U)Nderstanding (N)Othing
2.Uncontrollable Descent
4.Persona Non Grata
5.Gypsy Disco
6.Trash Folder
7.Action 52
8.I've Scene God
9.Pigs Ear
10.Thunder Mouth
11.Pan's Dream
12.Informal Butterflies
13.Bastard Ritual