You got no one to relate to
你的遭遇 无人理解
You're different, and everyone hates you
你的不同 招致仇恨
You feel like there's no other way
To end all the pain and no one can save you
结束所有的痛苦 获得别人的拯救
The struggle you're forced to keep hidden
But who is to blame when nobody would listen?
无人理会 这是谁的错?
You cried out for help, but no one paid attention
The blood in the halls could've all been prevented, yeah
如今血流成河 但本可以不到这一步啊
And now we're at the bottom, and I'm the one with problems
我们被欺辱 被践踏 问题重重
I blame it on the whole damn world
The voice that's in my head is becoming my best friend
脑海中的声音 成了我的唯一
He's no one to mess with, he said, he said, he said
He said, he said
Hey kid, you wanna be a star?
嘿 想被铭记吗
Take this and show 'em who you are
拿起这个 证明自己的存在
Make 'em pay in, blood for every scar
让他们付出代价 血洗每一道伤疤
There's no saving you from the monster you are
只有诉诸极端 才能看到出路
Sometimes we all feel like walking away
Who cares if it's Hell or Heaven's gate?
无暇去管 是地狱还是天堂
You lie to yourself, now you feel betrayed
用谎言欺骗自己 现在觉得被出卖了吧
Made the deal with the Devil, played God for a day
和魔鬼做交易 和上帝玩把戏
You reach for the trigger to touch the divine
不顾伦理 扣下扳机
Take away pain by taking a life
夺走生命 消解痛苦
You lie to yourself to make it alright
Can't look in mirror 'cause you're ****ing blind
迷失自我 蒙蔽了自己的双眼
And now we're at the bottom, and I'm the one with problems
我们被欺辱 被践踏 问题重重
I blame it on the whole damn world
The voice that's in my head is becoming my best friend
脑海中的声音 成了我的唯一
He's no one to mess with, he said, he said, he said
它毫不退缩 它叫喊着
Hey kid, you wanna be a star?
嘿 想被铭记吗
Take this and show 'em who you are
那就拿起这个 大杀特杀
Make 'em pay in, blood for every scar
让他们付出代价 血洗每一道伤疤
There's no saving you from the monster you are
只有诉诸极端 才能看到出路
Hey kid, what's under your shirt?
喂 衣服下面是啥?
Will it change it? Is it what they deserve?
Now they're shaking, so what you're gonna do?
如今换他们在颤抖 你想怎么办啊
You got 'em praying, they were bulletproof
他们在祈祷 能躲过你的子弹啊
Hey kid, you wanna be a star?
嘿 想被铭记吗
Take this and show 'em who you are
那就拿起这个 大杀特杀
Make 'em pay in, blood for every scar
让他们付出代价 血洗每一道伤疤
There's no saving you from the monster you are
只有诉诸极端 才能看到出路
Hey kid, what's under your shirt?
喂 衣服下面是啥?
Will it change it? Is it what they deserve?
Now they're shaking, so what you're gonna do?
如今换他们在颤抖 你想怎么办啊
You got 'em praying, they were bulletproof
他们在祈祷 能躲过你的子弹啊
1.Bulletproof (feat. Johnny 3 Tears)
3.Bring Me To Life