We were just a couple of years short of the age by my name on a fake ID
我们 比假证件上的年龄小那么几岁
And still 'bout a hundred away from the day your dad said you could run with me
你爸爸允诺我们在一起 也恍如昨日
We were a couple of line-steppers who just couldn't wait to step over the lines
我们热衷于挑战规则 不知打破了多少界限
Never thinking we wouldn't last, I was your first and you were mine
从未曾想过爱不持久 只因我们经历着初恋
(We were) Leather jackets hanging onto a Harley, two heartbeats in the moonlight
将皮衣挂在越野摩托上 月光下心脏共振的 是我们
(We were) Both feet hanging out over the edge of the water tower skyline
爬上水泵塔顶相拥而坐 望向远方天际线的 是我们
At least there's a little bit of sweet in the bitter though part of me is always gonna miss it
至少青春的苦涩中尚存回甘 我也将因此怀念当年
I am who I am, I just miss who I was when we were
我早已变了一番模样 只是仍在追寻着我们的曾经
We were gonna make it, weren't we, baby? Had it all laid out in her mind
我们 对未来是那么肯定 一切都在脑中计划周全
By the time we knew time was running out we'd done run out of time
然而 远在我们意识到之前 时间就已经匆匆流逝
We were downtown, Saturday night, last call, cover band
周六之夜 城里的酒吧里 我们请乐队为我们表演最后一次
Till the last song played, never thought we'd fade like the stamp on the back of her hand
直到最后一曲结束 也未曾想到 青春会像刺青般褪色斑驳
(We were) Her on my shoulder, lighter in the air, "pour some sugar on me"
她伏在我肩头看天空中焰火绚烂 耳边一曲老歌响起 是我们
(We were) Top down in Johnson's field when she whispered that she wants me
开着敞篷车在田野间四处游荡 她在我耳边吐露芬芳 是我们
At least there's a little bit of sweet in the bitter though part of me is always gonna miss it
至少青春的苦涩中尚存回甘 我也将因此怀念当年
I am who I am, I just miss who I was when we were
我早已变了一番模样 只是仍在追寻着我们的曾经
(We were) Leather jackets hanging onto a Harley, two heartbeats in the moonlight
将皮衣挂在越野摩托上 月光下心脏共振的 是我们
(We were) Both feet hanging out over the edge of the water tower skyline
爬上水泵塔顶相拥而坐 望向远方天际线的 是我们
At least there's a little bit of sweet in the bitter though part of me is always gonna miss her
至少青春的苦涩中尚存回甘 我也会想起当年的她
I am who I am, I just miss who I was when we were
我早已变了一番模样 只是仍在追寻着我们的曾经
Yes, I do
Friends say, "Oh, well, let that ship sail, you gotta let go of her"
朋友说 “你终究要放手的 就让她驶离你的港湾吧”
Just wasn't meant to be but somewhere down deep, I still believe
我也并非情愿如此 只是内心的深处 我仍在寻找
That we were
1.We Were