Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 Song

How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
Freedom fightin' machine, big-ass hatchet in hand
手持一把斧头 为了自由而战
Why'd you have to kill my bros? I'm-a slash your face, man
为何非要杀了我的弟兄 看我一斧子划开你的脸
I'm a very skilled assassin killin' dudes in ones and twos
我可是一个刺客大师 两三下就能横扫千军
Blood flowin' like a river, need a box of tissues
在一瞬间就血流成河 得用一箱面纸清理
When I'm huntin', I be stuntin', you can never find me
每次猎杀我都会耍特技 你绝对找不到我藏在哪
In the bushes, in the hay stacks, in your mother's laundry
Watch me comin', free runnin', up the walls like a boss
好好看着我飞檐走壁 就像一个超级大坏蛋
What you lookin' at, *****? Taste my tomahawk chop!
你看什么看 ? 吃我“落樱神斧”啦!
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
To-To-Tomahawk, Tomahawk
To-To-Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk Tomahawk, To-To-Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk Tomahawk, To-To-Tomahawk
From Boston to NY, always up to no good
从波士顿一直到纽约 都没有什么好事发生
Don't know how I can see out this big-ass hood
带着这么大的帽子 我都不知道要怎么看前面
Walkin' through the crowds touchin' you on the back
穿梭在人群之中 轻摸一下你的背
Using my hidden blade for a secret attack
用我隐藏的袖剑 来一次隐藏刺杀
Jumpin' off of giant buildings like I was a super man
从高楼上一跃而下 就像我是超人一样
Use your mama as a meat shield every time that I can
用妈当个肉盾 能用几次就用几次
Take a break from the war to hunt for some meat
暂别战争 去打个野(误)
What? A man's gotta eat...
干嘛? 民以食为天嘛...
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
Tomahawk, Tomahawk. To-To-Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk. To-To-Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, To-To-Tomahawk
Tomahawk, To-To-Tomahawk
Up first in the verse feel the clack of wooden teeth
在诗歌的第一章 先来听听我用木假牙的磨牙声吧
Bread and butter, lift the covers and you'll find the fu**in' heat
掀开盖子 你才能感觉到奶油面包的热度
Revolution I lead, with the world I got beef
我领导着革命 还有得到牛肉的世界
I dig my wigs powdered, wear boxers- I don't wear briefs
我把假发挖成粉 穿着拳击短裤 我才不穿!
You can't step up to me and my gang
Horse and carriage, drive bys, bullet in the chamb'
就算是路过马车 枪弹也早已上膛
Ridin' over your clique like the Delaware, son
我会碾压你的党派 就像特拉华州一样
I'll get my face on that dollar before this ****'s done
在这一切结束之前 我会让我的脸被印在钞票上
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
数都数不过来 那就别挡在我的面前
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
To-To-Tomahawk, Tomahawk
To-To-Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, Tomahawk
Tomahawk, To-To-Tomahawk
Tomahawk, To-To-Tomahawk
1.Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 Song