Young world, misunderstood
青年世界 困惑难解
Shooting sprees, shade from trees
荒嬉无度 树下投影
Pain will dull, will take control
疼痛终会麻木 终被控制
Hand turns fist, slight of violence
手握为拳 带着略微的暴力
当泥土发软 亦是腐败之时
When the soil softens, softly decay
哪天有空 来看看我身上点点泥斑如何
Come see my spot on your day off
若是洒下盐分 恐是寸草不生
When the salts laid there, nothing will grow
不像他 延龄草
Not like him, trillium
并非我的过错 一切不应怪罪于我
阳光照入 那就让它更猛烈一些
Not my problem, not my fault
身体无感 意识分离
The sun burns out, let the sun burn out
沉睡于白昼 错过了我的车站
Not my body, not my mind
Falling asleep, missing my stop
3.A Softer World
4.Rush to Spark
5.Ontario Sunshine
6.Trillium Killer
7.Say Yes to Violence
8.Ontario Sunshine Pt. 2
9.Second Chances / Vantablack
10.Summer of The Gun