So may we start?
(One two three four)
(一 二 三 四)
So may we start?
So may we start?
It's time to start
High time to start
They hope that it goes the way, it's supposed to go
人们都希望事随所愿 顺其所然
There's fear in them all but they can't let it show
恐惧与生俱来 但人们也懂得悄然掩盖
They're underprepared but that may be enough
事未俱备 却也算能足够能面对
The budget is large but still it's not enough
卯足准备 或许也会事与愿违
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以就在此刻开始吧? 让我们开始吧 迈出第一步吧
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以择日不如撞日吧? 就从现在起 你我迈出第一步吧
It's time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 是时候开始 是时候行动了吧?
High time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 迈出第一步 是时候出发了吧?
We've fashioned a world, a world built just for you
塑造出了一个世界 一个只属于你的世界
A tale of songs and fury with no taboo
一段有颂歌有愤怒 百无禁忌的诉说
We'll sing and die for you, yes, in minor keys
为你以小调歌颂 为你静默献出生命
And if you want us to kill too - we may agree
若你想要大杀四方 我们也会点头应允
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以就在此刻开始吧? 让我们开始吧 迈出第一步吧
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以择日不如撞日吧? 就从现在起 你我迈出第一步吧
It's time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 是时候开始 是时候行动了吧?
High time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 迈出第一步 是时候出发了吧?
So close all the doors and let's begin the show
坐定关门 大秀就此开启
The exits are clearly marked thought you should know
出口特别标明 是为你贴心考虑
The authors are here so let's not show disdain
评论作家们在场 所以最好收起鄙夷
The authors are here and they're a little vain
他们在场 总是难掩自以为聪明
A little vain
The music resounds and all the flames are lit
音乐重新奏响 焰火亦已燃起
So Ladies and gents, please, shut up and sit
所以女士们先生们 就请安静坐定
The curtain of our eyelids lazily rise
But where's the stage you wonder
Is it outside, or is it within?
是在场外 还是就在这里
Outside? Within?
场外 还是就在这里
Outside? Within?
在场外 还是这里
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以就在此刻开始吧? 让我们开始吧 迈出第一步吧
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以择日不如撞日吧? 就从现在起 你我迈出第一步吧
It's time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 是时候开始 是时候行动了吧?
High time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 迈出第一步 是时候开始你的表演了吧?
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以就在此刻开始吧? 让我们开始吧 迈出第一步吧
So may we start? May we start, may we, may we now start?
所以择日不如撞日吧? 就从现在起 你我迈出第一步吧
It's time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 是时候开始 是时候行动了吧?
High time to start - may we start, may we, may we now start?
是时候了 迈出第一步 是时候开始你的表演了吧?
May we now start?
May we now start?
1.So May We Start (From "Annette")